Az egyetemről:

1. "Question to the History..." hálózat:

Department of History at the University of Zadar will offer to incoming student subjects, which are listed in Curriculum, for Bachelor Studies and Master Studies of History. All incoming student will be able to get personal consultations and help form department's teachers, especially with their undergraduate or MA thesis. Consultations are provided in English, German and Italian. Students will be able to use university's and department's libraries and other research facilities. Our department also has long established practice of organizing field trips which will be valuable experience for incoming students because the surrounding area abounds with medieval and early modern historical remains. For teachers mobility we will insure help with their researches and will try to make the most of their visits for they will be able to give lectures and we will organize round tables and conferences. They will also have the possibility of conducting researches in States Archive in Zadar.

2. "Slavic Philology and Its Cultural Contexts" hálózat:

Croatian language courses at different levels.


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